Leaked Last Jedi Sets
SORRY, I know I haven't posted to schedule but I've been, oh I don't know, MOVING OVERSEAS, not to mention sick. Wow... that came off really passive-aggressive, sorry. Anyhow, here you go:
Hello, and welcome to the second post here at AimlessLego. Today, I will give you my opinions on the newest sets from Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi. Now, these pictures were supposedly "leaked" so I cannot confirm that any of these are official sets. But, they look very professional. So without further adieu, here they are:
I'd also like to mention that these are only the biggest sets, there are probably others that are not as expensive.
Set 1: The Finalizer
And The minifigs:
this set looks like the one I'll probably get out of all of these, I mean this one really looks awesome. I love how they have managed to build the superstructure here, they've really captured the sleek, sort of arrowhead shape. I have a feeling that this set is going to be equally fun to play with, as well as display. Also, I love the greeble-ing that's been done to give the ship texture, I don't know if this is just me, but I think it makes the ship look bigger.
On the downside, the Minifigures are VERY anticlimactic. There aren't really any exciting new figures, and Snoke is disappointing beyond words. I was really hoping to get a new mold for him. Anyhow, I hope the interior is exciting because that will either make or break this set, mainly because I would not be getting it for minifigs.
Overall, this would probably get a 6/10 at the moment.
Set 2: Gorilla AT-AT
The actual name for this set is First Order Heavy Assualt Walker, but I've also heard it called "Gorilla AT-AT" (that's pronounced A-T A-T, not at-at) and I think gorilla Walker just sounds cooler, and shorter. I don't really know what to think of this one yet, I'd like to see it in person before really judging this one.
It looks like a solid LEGO set but I really don't like the look of the vehicle itself. I understand that it's trying to go for a more armored, bulky look, but that just makes everything here look... off. Especially the cockpit, I absolutely hate the look of that.
The minifigs are, once again, underwhelming. Rey doesn't really look like Rey (does she look fat to anyone else?) and the green rebel trooper doesn't fit the scene. Poe and the first order troopers are just okay in my opinion.
Overall, 5/10 for now.
Set 3: The Rebel Bomber
Just as I started to write this, a bomb just went off about five miles from where I'm staying, don't worry, it was on a military base, its supposed to happen.
Anyhow, like the last two sets, I'm not totally sure what to think of this. All of the vehicles from episode eight that I've seen so far are... weird, which is most likely the cause of my unsure opinion.
This set comes in as my second favorite. I generally like the build here, with the exception of those two little side wings. They just look frail, and I'm hoping they're stable on the main body. I'm also hoping that they're is a good way to display this because it doesn't look like it would balance too well. One thing I do like about this set are the little gunner pods on the back and on the bottom, you can really see the inspiration from WWII bombers, and I love it!
But once again, this set falls hard on its ass when it comes to minifigs. I mean THREE resistance pilots, THREE of them. They may be trying to not spoil the movie by adding mundane minifigs. But we already got so many pilots from all of the X-wings! On the other hand, Vice Admiral Holdo is fine and Poe Dameron is Poe Dameron, there's really not much to offer.
Overall, another 6/10
Welp, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and opinions. I'll have if my opinions will change in the future. Because, this isn't a MOC and I haven't posted in a while I may do one more small post this week, but like I said, I'm moving and I have to catch a plane, sorry TWO planes tomorrow. Anyhow, stay Aimless.
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