HMS Prince Of Axatia


  Well, I guess it's finally time for me to get to being productive again. *sigh*. anyhow, what I think that I'm going to do from now on with these posts is to add more images and less writing. Although I love writing I'm a bit of a perfectionist, especially when it comes to large amounts of wiring. With shorter posts I'll be able to focus more on the creations and less on the stress of writing an essay.
    well, with that out of the way this week, I'm bringing you something big, one of my biggest MOCs to date: the HMS Prince of Axatia.

This is the first semi-accurate sailing ship that I hope to be making. It was made from pieces from the most recent LEGO pirate ship, which I believe is called "The Brick Bounty". Although this was created using mainly pieces from the set, a lot are from my own collection, so this would technically not count as an alternate build.
    Man, I haven't typed in a while, it took me like eight tries to get through that last sentence.
     the gun deck isn't completely interior-ed, so the main parts of the ship are the poop deck and the main deck (I've got a diagram of a sailing ship in the next tab, can you tell?).


    One feature that I'm pretty proud of was being able to put the walls of the ship (correct me if there is an other word for wall) at an angle, as seen here:

    I'm also pretty proud of my mini cannons.
    One of my main goals for building this ship was to create a bigger captain's cabin from the original, I think I did a pretty good job at that.

        While I'm at it, here's the back of the ship.

sorry for the over exposure I'm using an old iPhone and no professional lighting (I own LEGOs, but I'm not rich)
And since I've shown the front, here's the back:

    And with that, I'd like to conclude my post on my ship. Now, I do have an idea for a ship at least 4 times bigger than this one which would be my biggest and most complicated MOC yet, I have worked on some LDD files, but as for now, that project will have to wait. Thank you so much for reading and supporting (if anyone is) and I hope you stay around.


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